ROKK Processing food processing machinery | News


Ice-cream meltdown

Thursday 12 July 2018

With temperatures exceeding 30C this week in the UK, it's sent the British public into ice-cream meltdown, with retailers reporting a sales increase of over one hundred per cent on this time in 2017.

ICA Expo in Harrogate

Monday 12 February 2018

Come and meet the team from Machinery World, ROKK and Dairy Bits on Stand 32 at the ICA Expo in Harrogate!

Ice Cream that's 500 times hotter than Tabasco

Monday 12 February 2018

A Glasgow cafe wants to make Valentine’s Day especially hot and heavy. The Aldwych Cafe claims its special gelato acts as an intense aphrodisiac. However, the cold treat is so hot lovers are asked to sign a waiver prior to licking it.

A recipe for success

Thursday 01 February 2018

Frederick’s Ice Cream of Chorley, Lancashire has been making delicious ice cream to a traditional Italian family recipe for over 100 years – but the company has recently added a new ingredient or two to their mix.

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